Obtener usuario de windows
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2003-06-30 23:38:17 UTC
No sé si te vale de algo pero para C hay esta API:

The GetUserName function retrieves the user name of the current thread. This
is the name of the user currently logged onto the system.

BOOL GetUserName(

LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of name buffer
LPDWORD nSize // address of size of name buffer



Points to the buffer to receive the null-terminated string containing the
user's logon name. If this buffer is not large enough to contain the entire
user name, the function fails.


Pointer to a DWORD that, on input, specifies the maximum size, in
characters, of the buffer specified by the lpBuffer parameter. If this
buffer is not large enough to contain the entire user name, the function
fails. If the function succeeds, it will place the number of characters
copied to the buffer into the DWORD that nSize points to.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, and the variable
pointed to by nSize contains the number of characters copied to the buffer
specified by lpBuffer, including the terminating null character.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
information, call GetLastError.


If the current thread is impersonating another client, the GetUserName
function returns the user name of the client that the thread is


La verdad es dulce y a la vez áspera ya que cuando la conozcas serás libre
para ver lo cruda que puede llegar a ser la realidad...

Hay alguna forma en php, de cuando el usuario abre la web, esta pueda
obtener el nombre de usuario con el cual el usuario está loggeado en su
Joan Grau
2003-07-01 08:25:26 UTC
Muchas gracxiads por tu ayuda, pero he estado probando y el php no reconoce
esa funcion. Seguire investigando, de momento he conseguido que recoja el
nombre de la maquina la cual abre la web.

Gracias de nuevo.
Post by ViKT0RY
The GetUserName function retrieves the user name of the current thread. This
is the name of the user currently logged onto the system.
BOOL GetUserName(
LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of name buffer
LPDWORD nSize // address of size of name buffer
Points to the buffer to receive the null-terminated string containing the
user's logon name. If this buffer is not large enough to contain the entire
user name, the function fails.
Pointer to a DWORD that, on input, specifies the maximum size, in
characters, of the buffer specified by the lpBuffer parameter. If this
buffer is not large enough to contain the entire user name, the function
fails. If the function succeeds, it will place the number of characters
copied to the buffer into the DWORD that nSize points to.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, and the variable
pointed to by nSize contains the number of characters copied to the buffer
specified by lpBuffer, including the terminating null character.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
information, call GetLastError.
If the current thread is impersonating another client, the GetUserName
function returns the user name of the client that the thread is
La verdad es dulce y a la vez áspera ya que cuando la conozcas serás libre
para ver lo cruda que puede llegar a ser la realidad...
Hay alguna forma en php, de cuando el usuario abre la web, esta pueda
obtener el nombre de usuario con el cual el usuario está loggeado en su